Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Luca and Ale

Hi guys,
after a few weeks of waiting, last week I finally got the phone company coming out and hooking me up to the internet, so I thought of dropping a few lines to say hi and briefly update you on the Italian lifestyle.

I heard the temperature in the Cleveland area dropped quite a bit after we left (what a fortunate coincidence, right?), that makes us miss the US not as much; what we actually miss is you guys and the fact that here the social events seem to be much harder to organize (hey Lorca, what about swinging by Bergamo and give to its night life a spin?).

Fortunately readapting to the Italian lifestyle has been easier than I though, before I left someone told me that when you move back to the place where you grew up it takes only a few days to get backinto the groove, parents and life long friends usually help alot... well, I've gotta say that's true, I've been here for 3 weeks now and so far so good, hope it lasts!

Oh, almost forgot, one of the first things I did when moved back was to resign from my current job; yup, after almost 10 years with Sematic I felt like I needed something new, so... starting from April I'll endure a new adventure with Stefano (some of you guys know who he is); I keep my fingers crossed, we'll see how it goes

Last but not least, Rossana is doing great, she likes her new job and enjoys having her parents around alot (me not as much ;-) )
Then Ale... what can I say, she's doin terrific!!! she's been going to the child care for the last 2 weeks, where she instantly became the mascotte of the group. She's the joungest so everybody are like cuddling her all day long (which makes daddy kinda jealous).

These are some pics of her, so you can see how much she grew up over the last few weeks.

Ok I gotta go now, Ale is crying which tells me she's hungry... hope to hear from you people soon

Take care, ciao


Monday, February 26, 2007

Dinner at Steph and Mark's Place

Mark at home

A few pics from Mark

Sunday, February 25, 2007

La Campagnola in Vignola

At La Campagnola in Vignola

The food

Tortellini, Ravioli and Gramigna.



Visiting Lucy'Fer

Saturday, February 24, 2007

direct link to 3:18 on thelot.com

Dear Friends,

Hello! I don't talk about my acting much, but a film I was in a couple of years ago is being submitted by the director for "On the Lot" -- a reality TV show where directors get to battle it out. Spielberg is the creator of "On the Lot." Over the years, this film (titled 3:18), has made it into the film festivals in Seattle, New Jersey, and Sydney Australia, which is quite a feat.

I'm not sure if your rating of the film makes a difference, but, if it does, I would love it if you would watch it and rate it. If you think it sucks (OK, maybe it does?) don't bother adding a comment. :) However, if there is anything the least bit positive about the film, perhaps you could send a comment to Speilberg about it. I know the film is random with no real plot, but among the randon films with no plots, how do you think it fares? :) If you have time, please check it out and vote.


This favor is not directly for me (maybe someday, indirectly, it will be). I am asking this for Tony -- the director of 3:18 who is a great guy with a lot of talent.

Just so you know, the "non-plot" of this film is something that REALLY happened to Tony and his wife before they were married.

Thanks for your consideration! If Tony gets to be on Speilberg's show, who knows what is next! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!

Peace and love,
Marylee :)

PS. Please excuse my foul language in the film. :)

Trip to Denmark

Hi Guys, I got stuck in Copenhagen at the airport for... snow. Can you believe it? ...than they complain ab Cleveland. I was supposed to leave at 11.30 but I will be here untill 7. How is everything there? L