Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sampler is about to be finished

Sampler is in the process of being released. Chris made final mixing and editing.

Together with Samper The Trees will released an extended version of East West Center World, with the additional track One more mile.

The video shows all of the pictures that were part of the CD cover but also the pictures that were used fort he Art Gallery in Cleveland in October 2006.

Luca, Rossana, Ale, Chris, Jenny, Edgar and Kent are also on the video….

One more mile, live video

One of the songs that The Trees played during the CD release party at Colà, Lazise, Verona, is One more mile.

Here you find the live version recordded in Colà during the concert.

Damned, the video

E’ passato ormai un anno da quando, a seguito del party a Colà, siamo andati in visita a Borghetto.

Ho messo insieme un video della nostra visita, al quale ho aggiunto Damned da EWCW ( come colonna sonora.

Foto del concerto di Settembre:

In September 2006 L’Orca, Leo, Lucy’Fer and Giliola visited Borghetto sul Mincio, together with a few friends. It was the day after the CD release party for East West Center World (

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stefano Panzanini at GAMM

Shocking news: it seems that Stefano Panzanini will be showing some of his art work at the GAMM Party on November 3rd.
Notizia dell'ultima ora: sembra che Stefano Panzanini presenterà alcuni dei suoi pezzi d'arte alla prossima festa GAMM Il 3 Novembre.

Angel Fire, New Mexico


Chris was hounding me to get some pics to you from our trip to Angel Fire New Mexico. I didn't have that many shots of us, and only a few to choose from. So you know, these shots don't do the beautiful scenery there justice. Angel Fire is this quirky hidden gemof a town, a true mountain oasis. We did lots of hikes, some horseback riding, and of course heaps ofdrinking sweet fruit wine and mountain martinis. How is all in Italia? When do you come back next? Imiss you already!!!


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We Love Chocolate GAMM Party

Di festa in festa…

Coloriamo il sentiero alla ricerca di nuovi colori, alimentando il valore dell’amicizia.

L’anno scorso in Settembre ci siamo trovati a Colà per il lancio dell’ultimo CD dei The Trees.
Il 31 Dicembre, sul lago di Garda, abbiamo navigato verso l’anno nuovo.

In Aprile il Sig. Nero Oro ha inaugurato la prima delle feste di GAMM Factory e l’inizio dell’Estate.

Tra un BBQ e l’altro ed il secondo Party di GAMM Factory siamo ora giunti all’Autunno.

Il 3 di Novembre la Sig.ra Cioccolata di Modica ci ha invitati al cerchio Aperto per un GAMM Factory Party a base di cioccolata.

Sei dei nostri?



I have checked out all of your videos. Keep up the great work!
We are well. We've been camping & fishing all summer. We adopted an abandoned dog (long story - I'll tell you about it when we talk) and I've attached a picture.
I've been chatting with John Gregor - he's still up in Edmonton but hecomes down to Vancouver from time-to-time for a visit....We'll meet up the next time he comes down.
Wishing you all the best......Richard

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Warehouse District Feast

Monday, September 24, 2007

Square House, the new video by L'Orca

Square House by L'Orca

This song was written for Robby and Gianni, after their wedding in December 2005.

Questo pezzo è stato scritto per Robby e Gianni, dopo il loro matrimonio in Dicembre 2005.

The Xmas pics are from Stefano Panzanini.

Le foto natalizie sono di Stefano Panzanini.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Web Site

Welcome Martina

Ciao Amici!

Oggi sono stato a trovare Federica ed Andrea per vedere Martina. E’ bellissima!

Ho anche scoperto che anche della nascita del bimbo di Giorgio, Filippo. Se volete potete vederlo sul blog:

Complimenti ragazzi! Non vedo l’ora che capiti anche a noi!


Friday, September 21, 2007

In Stuttgart

Automobiles Fair in Frankfurt

Fireworks in Lazise

Dinner at the Lake