Saturday, February 24, 2007

direct link to 3:18 on

Dear Friends,

Hello! I don't talk about my acting much, but a film I was in a couple of years ago is being submitted by the director for "On the Lot" -- a reality TV show where directors get to battle it out. Spielberg is the creator of "On the Lot." Over the years, this film (titled 3:18), has made it into the film festivals in Seattle, New Jersey, and Sydney Australia, which is quite a feat.

I'm not sure if your rating of the film makes a difference, but, if it does, I would love it if you would watch it and rate it. If you think it sucks (OK, maybe it does?) don't bother adding a comment. :) However, if there is anything the least bit positive about the film, perhaps you could send a comment to Speilberg about it. I know the film is random with no real plot, but among the randon films with no plots, how do you think it fares? :) If you have time, please check it out and vote.

This favor is not directly for me (maybe someday, indirectly, it will be). I am asking this for Tony -- the director of 3:18 who is a great guy with a lot of talent.

Just so you know, the "non-plot" of this film is something that REALLY happened to Tony and his wife before they were married.

Thanks for your consideration! If Tony gets to be on Speilberg's show, who knows what is next! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!

Peace and love,
Marylee :)

PS. Please excuse my foul language in the film. :)


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