Wednesday, August 30, 2006
East West Center World from The Trees

The work consists of eight tracks with most of them being electronic. The sound is the evolution from Turning Leaves, the experimental part of their previous work Cherry Blossom.
The project features collaborations with Jennifer Gray, whom is talented singer from Cleveland, OH and Paolo Pansera, a brilliant photographer from Bergamo, Italy who gives his own interpretation of the music of the band through his pictures taken from the East side of the globe.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Some Pictures of the Different Faces of Rio from Jesse

Ipanema beach...two kids hanging on the side of the trolley going up to santa theresa...a view of ipanema, leblon and lagoa i found after we hiked up a small trail on the mountain behind my house... and two pictures I took in the Rocinha favela "the biggest ghetto in south america" 300,000 people live on this mountain!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Chuchito Valdes

Some of his worldwide appearances have included Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club in London and Catalina's in Los Angeles. His festival appearances include the Jazz Festivals of Havana, Cancun, Merida, San Francisco's Yerba Buena Music Festival, Detroit Chicago, San Jose, Aspen, and many others . His band has toured the U.S. on several occasions and has played all the major clubs in all the major cities as well concert halls in Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit and more.
In his youth he studied with many Cuban masters, such as the great Cuban pianist, Chucho Valdes (who also happens to be his father). Chuchito is recognized as a master at Cuban music including Mambo, Danzon, and Cuban Timba and Guaguanco. He has also extensively studied classical music including harmony and composition. When he is not travelling around the world performing, Chuchito lives in Cancun, Mexico where he leads his Afro-Cuban based Latin-Jazz ensemble. His original compositions and arrangements draw on classical harmonic and structural techniques. In his performances, Chuchito's music draws on many styles including Afro-Cuban Latin Jazz, Bebop, Danzon, Cha-Cha-Cha, Son Montuno and much more. While Chuchito is technically brilliant, his music makes people move and possesses warmth and radiance. Chuchito Valdes is clearly a star on the rise.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Party in Italy at the Garda Lake

Launch party for the new The Trees CD in Italy at the Garda Lake, starting at 3.00 pm (9.00 am Cleveland time).
I will be in Italy from Sept 15 to Sept 25. If you want to come with me you can stay at my place on the Garda Lake, near to Verona and Venice.
Saro’ in Italia a partire dal 15 Settembre fino al 25 Settembre. Durante questo periodo me ne staro’ a Cola’ Di Lazise sul Lago Di Garda, dove ho casa.
Nella giornata di Sabato 23 Settembre vorrei poter organizzare una festa per la presentazione del nuovo CD della mia band The Trees ( festa inizierebbe nel pomeriggio del Sabato, verso le 3.
Alcune delle attivita’ che vorrei intraprendere sono le seguenti:

- Pomeriggio: 1. Festa in piscina, 2. Possibilita’ di visitare le Terme Di Cola’, il cui ingresso a due passi da casa mia
- Serata: 3. BBQ, 4. Breve concerto dei The Trees
- Nottata: 5. Conclusione della festa in discoteca, 6. Possibilita’ di rimanere a dormire per circa 10-15 persone.
In contemporanea vorrei anche intreprendere le seguenti attivita’:

1. Presentazione e distribuzione del nuovo CD
2 Presentazione del lavoro di Paolo Pansera, artista e collaboratore
3 Presentazione linea bigiotteria Alberi di Giliola (
4 Collegamento in diretta al blog L’Orca and his friends