Monday, July 31, 2006

806 and South Side in Tremont

John, L'Orca and Kent at The View

John, L'Orca and Kent

Jenna, a new friend

Friday, July 28, 2006

Bier Market and Emma Kalnins

L’Orca, Chris, David, John and Kent went to the McNulty's Bier Market in Ohio City. They met Emma Kalnins, a gifted artist.

The enclosed paint is from the show. For more details, you can check

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Art work from Paolo Pansera

L’Orca’s band The Trees is currently wrapping up the new EP East, West, Center World. The EP includes a few covers and a few of the songs that they made together with Jenny. The art work has been done in collaboration with Paolo Pansera, a talented photograph and a good friend.

Greetings from Italy

In questi giorni siamo stati al mare dalle mie parti (Latina e Sabaudia), domani partiamo per Teramo dove si sposa mio cugino e poi proseguiremo per Urbino. In tre giorni contiamo di visitare Urbino, S.Marino, Gradara e forse ci spingeremo a Rimini per una notte brava... Per Agosto andiamo un paio di giorni a Ischia a trovare il baritono russo che cantava nel Falstaff a Cleveland (interpretava il Dr. Caius). Poi a Roma dove vedremo la Turandot alle terme di Caracalla (invitati da un altro dei cantanti del Falstaff!) e se riusciamo a imbucarci anche il concerto di Madonna. Poi si vedrà!
Ti manderò qualche foto. Ciao, a presto Loz

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sunday at Catawba

Saturday at Sunset Lounge

Michelle, L'Orca, John, Kent and David spent the Saturday night at Sunset Lounge

Patty, Polo and Mike: Honorary Members



The team is glad to welcome Patty, Polo and Mike as honorary members of the group.

Rossana and L'Uca's Baby Shower

Hi everybody,

Rossana and I want to thank you all for having made our baby shower absolutely unforgettable; it is always nice to be able to share such special moments with the people that you care the most about.We hope that our daughter will be as lucky as we are having so many nice people in our life.A special thank goes to Patty & Polo for having organized such a great party. Thank you guys for being in our life, and remember: we are still looking for a baby sitter!!!


Rossana & Luca

L'Orca's First Tattoo

The Killer Whale: the holy creature, the traveler and the guardian.

My friend Richard helped me to find a Haida (Native American Tribe) beautiful painting of a Killer Whale. The painting represents “birth”. The tattoo is my way to thank Vancouver, BC for making me reborn when I moved there in year 2000.

I chose not to complete the painting on my calf so to tattoo the baby orca to a later time when I will have my first baby. Sweet thought, is not it?


Friday, July 21, 2006

Greetings from Hungary

Budapest is sooo much fun right now. There are jazz festivals and all kinds of summer programs all over. (The traffic is a killer but at least i get to catch up with hungarian pop music (through the radio) while i have to wait... :)) B'Ettina

Dinner at Michaelangelo for L'Uca's b-day

Golfing with West Coast Chris

Get this video and more at

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mars Party at Matt’s place. Greek and Italian cusine.

August 27

Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history.

L’Orca and Jesse recording together

L’Orca had the occasion to record two songs together with Jesse. Jesse is a very talented jazz guitar player and a good friend of the group. During the past few months some of us had the opportunity to hear him playing at Opa! on West 25th.

Jesse will soon move to Brazil. He could make use of any contacts to get introduced in Rio de Janeiro, where he is planning to stay for a while.

Mark (a.k.a. Ji-Wao) visited his friend Ralph in Nashiville

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ludwig Thuille, Stephanie’s grandfather

Rossana and Stephanie at Blossom

Mozart: Overture to Don Giovanni; Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2; Strauss: Don Juan; Respighi: Pines of Rome

Did you know that....
Don Juan by Richard Strauss was dedicated to his friend Ludwig Thuille (composer), Stephanie’s grandfather?

L'Uca, tanti auguri di buon compleanno!!!!

Your Friends Forever

Monday, July 17, 2006

At Carmine's on Rush in Chicago

L'Orca, L'Uca, Bettina and Rossana in Chicago

Starbucks on Michigan Avenue

Bettina and L'Orca at Bubba Gump

Can you recognize Rossana?

Bettina and L’Orca went to the Chicago Diner

This completely vegetarian natural food restaurant draws an eclectic, casual crowd of locals and celebs (Madonna, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Indigo Girls have popped in) to sample vegan and vegetarian specialties. 3411 N. Halsted St., (773) 935-6696.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Anthony's Collage

Jenny, Christ and Anthony (Anthony's Party)